Application Process - Holiday Harbor Cabrillo Marina
First step is to obtain and complete a Slip Application. The application
can be completed using our online application below, or by downloading the
application. If downloading, once completed, fax to (310) 833-2860 or email
to dockmaster@holidayharborcm.com.
Additional documents to be provide with the Application:
Current picture of vessel.
Copy of current vessel registration.
Copy of verification of title.
Copy of driver's license.
Copy of current vessel insurance certificate with a minimum of $300,000 in liability coverage.
Signed Credit Review Disclosure form and collection of $10 fee. Call Marina office to obtain.
Upon Approval of Application:

Physical inspection of vessel.
Complete Marina Slip License Agreement.
Obtain copy of Marina Regulations.
Add Holiday Harbor Cabrillo Marina as an additional insured to your liability coverage.
Collect First month's pro-rated rent plus a security deposit equal to two months slip rent.
Collect deposit for Key fobs - $25 each.